Enhancing Early Childhood Education through ICTs

An Investigation of Teachers and Students Experiences in Njombe District, Tanzania


  • Damas Benjamin Mahali The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


ICT, Early childhood education, Preschool and Primary school pupils


This paper reports on a study carried out to investigate the use of ICTS to enhance early child education. The study was based on two objectives or research questions which were set. 250 respondents’ children were purposefully-randomly selected. Information Communication Technology (ICT) is very crucial in modern life and civilization. Many people and societies of across the global have embraced the idea use of technology in communication. In Africa and
Tanzania in particular, ICT based resource learning needs to be part-and-parcel of pupils in learning at an early age. At this early stage, children need to understand the importance of ICT. Educational centres need to be equipped with facilities to prepare themselves to meet the current needs of children in ICT matters now and in the future. The findings reveal that 59.3% of primary school pupils especially from private schools have knowledge of ICT through the use of smartphones found at their homes. The early experience of ICT among children in their early years of experience involves playing of games on phone of laptop.


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How to Cite

Mahali, D.B. 2018. Enhancing Early Childhood Education through ICTs: An Investigation of Teachers and Students Experiences in Njombe District, Tanzania. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL THEORY AND PRACTICE. 1, 2 (Mar. 2018), 1–9.