The Concept of Positive School Climate and its Application to Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools in Kenya


  • Elizabeth Nduku The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


School climate, School principals, school physical facilities, teacher student relationships


This paper investigates the concept of school climate and its critical value in learning and teaching in secondary schools. Besides examining the characteristic and dimensions of the concept, the paper also explores the challenges that make it paramount if effective teaching and learning is to take place. Significantly, the paper discusses the application of the concept in the context of secondary schools in Kenya. The overidding argument in the paper is that if education process is to achieve its objectives of socialization and imparting of requisite competences, then it is vital for school principals who are key stakeholders in the education process to put in mechanisms geared towards implementing a positive school climate. Key issues that need to be addressed thereof are establishment of suitable physical facilities in the schools, teaching processes and creation of a cordial relationship between teachers and students.


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How to Cite

Nduku, E. 2020. The Concept of Positive School Climate and its Application to Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools in Kenya. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL THEORY AND PRACTICE. 2, 3 (Mar. 2020), 48–66.