Challenges Facing Early Childhood Development Education Centres in the Implementation of the Competency Based Curriculum in Mwingi West Sub- County, Kitui County


  • Juliet Maria Kilile The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Shem N. Mwalw'a The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Elizabeth Nduku The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


implementation, ECDE centres, Competency based curriculum


The purpose of conducting this study was to investigate challenges encountered by early childhood development education centres while implementing competency based curriculum in Mwingi West Sub County. The research targeted ECDE centres, primary head teachers, board of management members, curriculum support officers and subcounty early childhood education officer (SubCECEO).The study had a sample of 50
ECDE centres,50 primary head teachers,100 ECDE teachers, 5 curriculum support officers,6 board of management members and 1subcounty early childhood education officer. To achieve the sample the researcher used simple random and expert sampling techniques. The tools used to gather information were questionnaires, observation guide and interview guide. Data were collected using questionnaires, interview guides and observation guide. Quantitative were analysed using Ms EXCEL and Statistical Package for Social Science version 21 and were presented using percentages and frequencies. Qualitative data were analysed using the qualitative techniques precisely, content analysis. From the findings, the majority of the ECDE centres are not well prepared to roll the competency-based curriculum. while qualitative data was thematized and presented inform of narratives. The findings highlighted the following challenges; inadequate teaching and learning resources, poor parental involvement, lack of enough support staff members, The researcher recommended that the government should provide teaching and learning materials for the competency based curriculum to be effectively implemented in ECDE centres.


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How to Cite

Kilile, J.M. et al. 2019. Challenges Facing Early Childhood Development Education Centres in the Implementation of the Competency Based Curriculum in Mwingi West Sub- County, Kitui County. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL THEORY AND PRACTICE. 2, 3 (Oct. 2019), 36–37.